Blond Texture for hairstyle long01


This material is a blonde shiny texture for the long hair long01


CC0 - Creative Commons Zero

MHMAT file: 

Optional diffuse texture: 


Naming mistake?

I may be wrong, but I think the texture refers to MHs built-in "long01" hairstyle - this would mean that the files and the description got named incorrectly?!

And as I am already giving a critique: a more "balanced" texture with less specularity would be nicer, since the uploaded texture works only under specific lighting conditions...

Besides of that: good idea to "enhance" built-in assets of MH!

my fault ...

Yes it was a fault. I changed the name. I kept the old fhair01 and downloaded the original hair before 1.1 was ready. I now changed the name of the .mhmat file. The texture and example picture will keep the other name ... Maybe I can do a less specular version also.


Thanks for your fast correction! I personally would appreciate a less specular version of the texture :)