M Suit 01


Tags: Male, Elegant. Tailored suit, but the shirt and tie are fake. The normal map do most of the other details. I made the buttons three vertex hard body but I could't get them to work in all situations without them loosing their shape and location. If the buttons are important you could get them from the OBJ-file and place them manually. The textures is primary made for subsurf level 2 in Blender. If you use Blender try the Solidify modifier with "Fill Rim" and "Only Rim" to give the fabric some thickness. For fast specular setup in Blender Cycles, set the specular map to "Non-Color Data", connect the color output to the upper value input of a "Math"-node, set it to "Power" and the value to about 5, and then use the output of the "Math"-node as mixfactor between Diffuse BSDF/Glossy BSDF shader. The tie print is from Maialisa on pixabay.com, CC0 Public Domain.




CC-BY - Creative Commons Attribution





MHCLO file: 

OBJ file: 

MHMAT file: 

Optional thumb file: 

Optional diffuse texture: 

Optional normals texture: 

Optional specular (glossy) texture: 

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Wow! This suit looks amazing. With the applied normalmap preview in makehuman it looks even more realistic :)

You really push forward the quality of user contributions...

Thanks for that and keep uploading!


Right now it's fireworks in the user repo.


Very nice and classious !

Thank you very much!

It's just a great costume! Can you make it just unzipped?

My pleasure!

The fake shirt and tie is not good enough to make it open :-) An alternative is to replace them, then use proportional edit (if using Blender) to open the front.