
Ricardo2020's picture


Gender-specific (female)


Super Size Big Beautiful Woman number 256, a full body target designed to be applied to the default base in MakeHuman Community v1.2.x, compatibility has not been tested on earlier versions, so comment below if problems crop up during use. To use this file, right click and download the item to your data/custom/targets folder inside the home directory for MakeHuman. This will vary with different operating systems, but they all seem to have a user area for this kind of thing. After putting the file in its proper place, launch MakeHuman and click the custom tab under modeling. Look for the file in the sliders on the left. Move the slider all the way to the right to apply the target with the strength it is designed to run at. Dial it to the left to create a thinner more skinny version of the model. Height is 5'4". Weight is 269 lbs. Age is 30's. Race is a mix of African and Caucasian. Fat to muscle ratio favors fat. Slow endocrine, mostly thyroid. Morbidly obese but still active. Average resistance to disease. Average endurance non aerobic. High intellect and mild mannered. Native of Knox County, Tennessee.




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