klunky Iron Man残旧的钢铁侠


I grew up in a poor family and had no money to buy Iron Man comics. I was very envious when I saw other people's family reading Iron Man comics.I used to ask my mom to buy me one of these Iron Man comics, and I begged her for a long time, and finally she did.Before long, we had a meal, I found very few dishes, I asked, "mom, how little food today?"Mom said, "Mom is not hungry, so eat a little food is good, you eat more dishes, after all, long body."Later I found out by accident that she was saving money to buy me such cartoons.And then I look back at the Iron Man comics, and I see that there's no longer that kind of gorgeousness, there's just a broken image.Then my tears fell drop by drop, wet the comic book.And grow up, recall this thing, feel a guilt, as if rooted in the heart, not by time fuzzy memory, but gradually clear memory.我生长在一个贫穷的家庭,没有钱买钢铁侠漫画。当我看到别人的家人在看钢铁侠漫画时,我很羡慕。我曾经还叫我妈妈给我买这样的钢铁侠漫画,我苦苦哀求了很久,最后她给我买了。没过多久,我们吃饭了,我发现菜很少,我便问,“妈妈,怎么今天菜那么少?”妈妈却说,“妈妈不饿,所以吃点饭就好,你多吃点菜,毕竟长身体。”后来我无意中发现,她是为了给我买这样的漫画,而省吃俭用。然后我回过头去看,钢铁侠漫画,发现再也没有那种华丽画风的感觉,剩下的,只有残缺破损的画面。然后我的泪水一滴一滴的落下,打湿了这本漫画。而长大后,回想起这个事情,感觉有一份内疚,好像在心里生根发芽一样,没有被时间模糊记忆,反而渐渐清晰了记忆。


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