

Chen Yuefeng is a simple, kind-hearted sanitation worker whose father was a dedicated teacher who also met Chairman Mao.His mother was a diligent farmer.Under the influence of his parents, he had a passion for literature and calligraphy since he was young. He also worked hard.His wife is an unpretentious nurse.And they also have an excellent daughter, a graduate degree in medicine.Of course, his daughter also used more money to study, so he opened a variety of credit cards.However, one day, met a cheater, he stole Chen Yuefeng's credit card, up to two hundred thousand.At that time, he called the police. Maybe the cheater was too cunning for the police to catch the cheater.So, Chen Yuefeng, embarked on a road to pay off debts.At one time, he wanted to divorce his wife and took all the responsibility.Finally the wife also understood, after all did not divorce. He was under a lot of pressure, but he was also optimistic and open-minded, and he always believed that God could save him.I was moved by his piety, and I hoped that I could help him a little. After all, I also believed that God could save me.Maybe we share the same belief!Unfortunately, I haven't been able to help, and I'm really sorry.I am here, hoping that this matter will soon be over and the bad guys will soon be caught.陈月峰是一个朴实善良的环卫工人,他的父亲是一位敬业的老师,也遇见过毛主席。他的母亲是一个勤劳的农民。在父母的影响下,他从小酷爱文学和书法。他工作也很努力。他的妻子是个朴实无华的护士。他们还有一个优秀的女儿,医学硕士学位。当然,他的女儿也用了更多的钱来学习,所以他开了各种各样的信用卡。然而,有一天,遇见一个骗子,他盗刷了陈月峰的信用卡,高达二十万。当时,他报了警。也许骗子太狡猾了,警察抓不到他。于是,陈月峰走上了偿还债务的不归路。有一次,他想和妻子离婚,承担全部责任。最后老婆也明白了,毕竟没离婚。 他承受着很大的压力,但他也很乐观,心胸开阔,一直相信上帝能拯救他。他的虔诚感动了我,我希望我能帮他一点忙。毕竟,我也相信上帝能拯救我。也许我们有相同的信仰!不幸的是,我没能帮上忙,我真的很抱歉。我在这里,希望这件事很快就会结束,坏人很快就会被抓住。 接下去,请欣赏,陈月锋本人写的文章,“山东省,聊城市,阳谷县,寿张镇,陈畄头村。一个文明而古老的村庄。聊城市又叫东昌府区,随唐魏国公程咬金,三釜子定瓦岗,半路上杀岀个程咬金。近有清官孔繁森,人民的好公朴,中国共产党的一面旗帜,共产党人的楷模。有几颗八百年左右的古槐。夜晚来临,LED的灯光照明,进行光合作用,园林局为它浇水,施肥。为附近居民提供清新自由的空气。聊城市下辖八个县市,其中有临青市,抗日民族英雄张自忠将军,文学大师季羡林。东阿县,千飘万飘,还是东阿阿胶。迟名中外。我一杯清水陈月锋是阳谷县,景阳岗,武松打虎,狮子楼,二武松斗杀西门庆。离水泊梁山三十公里左右,离黄河十五公里。黄河之水天上来。” “伍子胥过江,一夜之间。头发全白。只因为我山东人不慎交友,遇过了湖南省,临湘市,江南镇,谷花村民李祥荣,网名格局赢天下。不断的转发是为了引起广东电视台,和中央新闻媒体的注意。这个诈骗犯告诉我,中国共产党欠他家几个亿人民币,这个诈骗犯告诉我,用钱可以解决的事,那都是小事,用钱解决不了的事,那才叫事。诈骗犯李祥荣告诉我,没有安利产品的直销产品,就没有所有的直销产品。直销产品,都是科技含量非常高的产品,都是最好的产品。这个诈骗犯,心口不一,唯利是图,无道德,良心,无底线。纵然中国共产党放他一马,但是,他信佛,佛也会迟早迟晚报应他的。因为他在广州二十余年骗过太多人。骗我山东陈月锋最残,最残。骗我妻离子散,众叛亲离,四面楚歌。希望有好心人转发。引起公安和媒体的注意。众善奉行,诸恶莫作。善恶到头终有报。只争来早与来迟。”


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