Queen Qnonnona

Works in progress and technical screen shots.

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Queen Qnonnona

Postby SaltyCowdawg » Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:47 pm

Queen Quonnona is the hereditary leader of a race of people living at a tech level between the stone age and the bronze age. Metal tools and weapons are a novelty and rare. Most weapon uses are limited to spear tips.


This is a WIP because there are two technical issues with this work. First is the fact that I can't seem to pose the fingers quite right and I'm working on that.

The second issue is the bow and I have no idea how to fix this. The bow string passes through her arm and in general the bow is in a position that makes no sense. I've tried rotating the bow and it doesn't rotate the way I expect. I've tried different rotation settings to no avail. Thoughts?

Peter L. Berghold <peter@berghold.net> or <Salty.Cowdawg@gmail.com>
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Re: Queen Qnonnona

Postby VapeLord » Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:32 am

SaltyCowdawg wrote:
This is a WIP because there are two technical issues with this work. First is the fact that I can't seem to pose the fingers quite right and I'm working on that.


Hi Salty,

yes, to pose the fingers is a tricky thing. I use serveral perspectives and sometime Gimbal to pose. Also i pose the wrist a bit to correct the "holding position".

To your second problem:
Did you have a screenshot from your render in blenders Objectmode? Maybe we can see why the bow won´t rotate correctly.

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Re: Queen Qnonnona

Postby SaltyCowdawg » Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:23 pm

VapeLord wrote:
SaltyCowdawg wrote:
This is a WIP because there are two technical issues with this work. First is the fact that I can't seem to pose the fingers quite right and I'm working on that.

The attachment queen-qonnonna.png is no longer available

Maybe we can see why the bow won´t rotate correctly.

I'll make one but I think I understand at least in part what is going on after staring at it half the night. The origin point seems to be screwing me up.

object mode screenshot no pointer

screenshot with pointer

Looks like the origin is in a bad location such that when I try to rotate it rotates around that origin which is not going to work for what I want to do which is rotate the bow such that the string is in front of the toon's body when she is carrying it OR I'd like to arrange to have her carry it with her arm down at her side and the string in the correct position.

In the final scene I want the bow visible and I'm going to attempt to cobble together a quiver across her back.

Attempts to relocate the origin (at least temporarily) have not resulted in good results. It seems to stay fixed where it is.
Peter L. Berghold <peter@berghold.net> or <Salty.Cowdawg@gmail.com>
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Re: Queen Qnonnona

Postby Elvaerwyn » Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:18 pm

I may not understand whats wrong here but if the origin of an object is wrong you use control alt shift c to re center origin to center of an object.
Also if the object (the bow) is still parented to the skeleton you may apply the modifier to get more control of the object. failing this in past i have used select all in edit mode to move object rather than doing it in object mode.
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Re: Queen Qnonnona

Postby Elvaerwyn » Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:36 pm

More food for thought. May want to not export models with the rigid objects for blender. It might be better for your workflow and sanity to import rigid objects and props separately, and apply a texture blender side so you can manipulate the prop objects any way you see fit.
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Re: Queen Qnonnona

Postby SaltyCowdawg » Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:56 pm

Elvaerwyn wrote:More food for thought. May want to not export models with the rigid objects for blender. It might be better for your workflow and sanity to import rigid objects and props separately, and apply a texture blender side so you can manipulate the prop objects any way you see fit.

I think you're right on that. More I think of it I'm liking the idea....

Now to figure out how to draw the bowstring back where I want it. Or maybe not... Still trying to figure out exactly what I want from this scene... She's a queen to be sure... Consort? Maybe...
Peter L. Berghold <peter@berghold.net> or <Salty.Cowdawg@gmail.com>
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Re: Queen Qnonnona

Postby joepal » Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:01 am

If you dont need to send the bow through MH, you could use a path with control point hooks for the string, with the bow part as parent. Together with a rig on the bow part, this would open up for deforming the bow and and string when the character is drawing the bow.
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Re: Queen Qnonnona

Postby SaltyCowdawg » Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:56 pm

joepal wrote:If you dont need to send the bow through MH, you could use a path with control point hooks for the string, with the bow part as parent. Together with a rig on the bow part, this would open up for deforming the bow and and string when the character is drawing the bow.

I've been reading up on all that. The scene I'm trying to compose is a primitive people's reaction to a high tech starship plopping into a clearing near their village. Queen Quonnona (and maybe a consort) are the first to greet these visitors from beyond the stars.. So I'd expect first reaction would be to knock an arrow and draw the bow given they are a people that have had to deal with other tribes pillaging and raiding their territory constantly.

The visitors are a first contact team. They are trying to make peaceful contact but Queen Quonnona is very suspicious of strangers...

Hence I am going to do my first rigging exercise...
Peter L. Berghold <peter@berghold.net> or <Salty.Cowdawg@gmail.com>
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