I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

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I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby j-rene007 » Sun Jul 14, 2024 3:36 am

I was looking at the alternate topologies and I couldn't find one I liked, as I wanted a low-ish poly mesh, but not that low poly. So I made my own, it has less than 10k tris (5k polys), and separate fingers and toes.

How do I actually turn it into a proxy mesh usable by Makehuman?
I tried the makeclothes that comes bundled with MOPFB, but when I try to add it to the library I get the error
The selected object is not valid as clothes. Perform clothes check?

When I do the clothes check, it says "Has any vgroups: FALSE" and "All verts have min one vgroup: FALSE".

Makeclothes error.png

The mesh is set as ProxyMesh as its current type.

Does anyone have any idea what I need to do?
I checked the documentation but it only covers clothes, not proxy meshes. I know it says it's the same process, but I'm stuck and have no idea what steps I am missing.
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Re: I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby tomcat » Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:13 am

j-rene007 wrote:How do I actually turn it into a proxy mesh usable by Makehuman?

Here, I found the answer. Proxies are just clothes, but they need to be renamed.

Perhaps it makes sense to move that post here as an answer.
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Re: I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby joepal » Sun Jul 14, 2024 2:38 pm

Yeah, the UX for this is pretty crappy. What you've run into is issue #199: https://github.com/makehumancommunity/mpfb2/issues/199

As Tomcat says: You'll need to manually move and rename the file.

If you have saved a file "myproxy.mhclo" somewhere, you'll need to save it to your user files (which can be found by clicking the "system and resources" -> "directories" -> "user files" button). In there you should see a directory "data", which may or may not contain a directory "proxymeshes". If it does not exist, you'll need to create it.

Move/rename the mhclo, mhmat and the obj file to this directory. The "myproxy.mhclo" needs to be renamed to "myproxy.proxy".

It is pretty high up on the todo list to do something about this.
Joel Palmius (LinkedIn)
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Re: I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby j-rene007 » Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:54 pm

The problem is I can't even save the file as .mhclo, so I have nothing to move or rename.

I get a Python error that says "Vertex group doesn't exist on target".

Python vertex group error.png

I already added v-groups to the new mesh, it passes the clothes check, but still can't export it in any way.
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Re: I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby joepal » Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:45 am

That sounds like it might be a bug...

Can you post a screenshots of the vertex group panel with the clothes object selected? And a screenshot of the body vertex group panel, with the corresponding vertex group marked in the list?
Joel Palmius (LinkedIn)
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Re: I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby j-rene007 » Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:20 pm

Here are the vertex groups on the Proxy

proxy vertexgroups.png

I checked that each vertex is only part of one group, and the mesh is passing the makeclothes checks.

And here are the corresponding groups on the base mesh:

body vertexgroups.png

body vertexgroups_2.png
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Re: I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby joepal » Tue Jul 16, 2024 2:05 pm

Ok, I don't see any obvious explanation to what might be wrong. That makes this very interesting, as there might be a hidden bug somewhere.

Do you mind sharing the blend file? You can upload it here http://www.makehumancommunity.org/custom.html using your forum credentials.
Joel Palmius (LinkedIn)
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Re: I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby j-rene007 » Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:43 pm

joepal wrote:Do you mind sharing the blend file? You can upload it here http://www.makehumancommunity.org/custom.html using your forum credentials.

I just uploaded the .blend file: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/conte ... _test.html
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Re: I modeled a proxy mesh, now what?

Postby joepal » Wed Jul 17, 2024 6:04 am

Ok, thanks. I've opened your file and managed to replicate the error.

As far as I can see, you've done everything correct per the instructions. If the code behaved as described in those instructions, this should work.

However, there's a logical error in the reimplementation of the code making it fail to take parts of those instructions into account. Currently, the code expects that all vertex group matches fulfill the following: either a) all vertices in the group have perfect 1-to-1 matches from being in the exact same coordinate OR b) the human vertex group have close enough faces so that vertices can be matched from center distances.

The code does not take into account that there might be a vertex group without nearby faces AND matches which are not exact.

There's no easy way to fix this in the code, so it will take a while.

In the meantime, my suggested workaround is this: Drop the "Mid" vertex group. Instead assign all those vertices to the "body" vertex group.

Having done so, renamed "nippletip" to "nippleTip" (casing differed on proxy and basemesh), and fixed the texture nodes in the material, I was able to use your file to produce a mhclo file which could then be reloaded.
Joel Palmius (LinkedIn)
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