Unable to load proxy error...HELP

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Unable to load proxy error...HELP

Postby ammdhillon » Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:19 pm

I created a superman suit in makeclothes. Everything went well according to me but when I try opening it into makehuman. Nothing happens and I found this error in "utulities" tab. Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?

Code: Select all
Assigning setting savedir value C:\Users\STARLORD\Documents\makehuman\v1\models that was loaded before the setting was declared.
Assigning setting exportdir value D:\AmmD\MH Characters that was loaded before the setting was declared.
Loading material from file data/skins/default.mhmat
Selecting proxy file "C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\human.001\human.001.mhclo" from clothes library.
compiled proxy file missing: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\human.001\human.001.mhpxy
Problem loading binary proxy: ('compiled proxy file missing: %s', u'C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\\human.001\\human.001.mhpxy')
Loading proxy file: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\human.001\human.001.mhclo.
Loading material from file C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes/human.001/human.001.mhmat
Unable to load proxy file: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\human.001\human.001.mhclo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shared\proxy.py", line 315, in loadProxy
  File "shared\proxy.py", line 403, in loadTextProxy
  File "shared\material.py", line 405, in fromFile
IndexError: list index out of range
Exception during event onFileSelected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "core\events3d.py", line 211, in callEvent
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 163, in onFileSelected
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 240, in proxyFileSelected
  File "core\mhmain.py", line 858, in do
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 77, in do
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 300, in selectProxy
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'uuid'
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Re: Unable to load proxy error...HELP

Postby punkduck » Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:59 pm

Hmm, as a Unix and Apple guy I'm not sure if the mix between '/' and '\' is really working. Either it is the Unix or MS notation.

There must be a path like this one


which was created by MH.

Your piece of cloth will appear in ...clothes\human.001

Is that directory human.001 created?

The files will be in the human.001 directory (human.001.mhmat, human.001.mhclo, human.001.obj) and the system wants to create a short version in form of a zipped file named human.001.mhpxy. It is okay that the file is not available in the beginning after the export, but your Makehuman is not able to create it.

Please look if the path is there. And rename the cloth in Blender to something like "supermansuit". Maybe the .001 is considered as a ending (postfix) and then system misunderstood something. I could be wrong of course, but there must be a mechanism in python converting pathnames from MS to UNIX and the way back and this mechanism does not seem to work.
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Re: Unable to load proxy error...HELP

Postby ammdhillon » Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:10 am

FIrst of all...Thanks for replying :)

I'm using windows 10, Blender version 2.78c, makehuman 1.1.1

Yes, it is a directory created by blender to save clothes. I named my cloth human.001 and mhclo, obj and mhmat files was exported in this directory
You got that right :)

and as you said, I went ahead and changed my name from "human.001" to "supermansuit" but still there's something wrong....please help :(
You can assume that my life depends on it :(

Code: Select all
Selecting proxy file "C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\supermansuit\supermansuit.mhclo" from clothes library.
compiled proxy file missing: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\supermansuit\supermansuit.mhpxy
Problem loading binary proxy: ('compiled proxy file missing: %s', u'C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\\supermansuit\\supermansuit.mhpxy')
Loading proxy file: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\supermansuit\supermansuit.mhclo.
Loading material from file C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes/supermansuit/supermansuit.mhmat
Unable to load proxy file: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\supermansuit\supermansuit.mhclo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shared\proxy.py", line 315, in loadProxy
  File "shared\proxy.py", line 403, in loadTextProxy
  File "shared\material.py", line 405, in fromFile
IndexError: list index out of range
Exception during event onFileSelected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "core\events3d.py", line 211, in callEvent
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 163, in onFileSelected
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 240, in proxyFileSelected
  File "core\mhmain.py", line 858, in do
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 77, in do
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 300, in selectProxy
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'uuid'
do Change clothes
do Change clothes
Selecting proxy file "C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\supermansuit\supermansuit.mhclo" from clothes library.
compiled proxy file missing: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\supermansuit\supermansuit.mhpxy
Problem loading binary proxy: ('compiled proxy file missing: %s', u'C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\\supermansuit\\supermansuit.mhpxy')
Loading proxy file: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\supermansuit\supermansuit.mhclo.
Loading material from file C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes/supermansuit/supermansuit.mhmat
Unable to load proxy file: C:/Users/STARLORD/Documents/makehuman/v1/data/clothes\supermansuit\supermansuit.mhclo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shared\proxy.py", line 315, in loadProxy
  File "shared\proxy.py", line 403, in loadTextProxy
  File "shared\material.py", line 405, in fromFile
IndexError: list index out of range
Exception during event onFileSelected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "core\events3d.py", line 211, in callEvent
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 163, in onFileSelected
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 240, in proxyFileSelected
  File "core\mhmain.py", line 858, in do
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 77, in do
  File "apps\gui\proxychooser.py", line 300, in selectProxy
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'uuid'
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Re: Unable to load proxy error...HELP

Postby wolgade » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:28 am

This is just guessing:

What did you use as "human mesh" when you ran MakeClothes? I really don't know what "IndexError" means, but I do know that very strange things can happen when you mess with the vertices of the "human mesh".
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Re: Unable to load proxy error...HELP

Postby punkduck » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:46 pm

Hmmm, this mixture between windows and UNIX is weird for me. And for sure, I'm not a windows expert ... :?

Line 405 in material.py tries to evaluate the Diffuse-Texture pathname from the .mhmat file. The pathname might have a problem in this file. You can e.g.:

change the path use '/' instead of '\' in this file.

- or -

delete all the lines containing pathnames in the .mhmat file.

Maybe throwing away the complete .mhmat file also works.

Then you will only see a grey shadow of your clothes. In this case (and in all other cases also) use should use the material editor (must be activated), change the material until you are satisfied (phong shading or use diffuse texture, whatever you want) and save it in the same directory.

.mhmat, .mhclo, .obj are plain ASCII, the .mhpxy and .npz files are created after the first successful load in MH, so usually the date of these files must be newer than the ASCII files.
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Re: Unable to load proxy error...HELP

Postby RobBaer » Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:08 pm

punkduck wrote:I could be wrong of course, but there must be a mechanism in python converting pathnames from MS to UNIX and the way back and this mechanism does not seem to work.

Modern Windows OS versions understand "/" fine, but they use "\" for what I presume is historical design reasons.

Because "\" is used by many programming languages as an escape character, it is sometimes necessary to double it up as in "\\" when coding. In general, Makehuman handles all this just fine internally, but constructed paths can look ugly in the logs on Windows. Problems can arise with user entered paths.

When editing path names by hand, it is best to always use forward slashes, "/", even on Windows. Did OP edit a path by hand?
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Re: Unable to load proxy error...HELP

Postby blindsaypatten » Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:29 pm

ammdhillon wrote:You can assume that my life depends on it :(

Unless you are really worried about IP my suggestion would be to zip the directory with the clothes and attach it to a message here. Then people here can look at it and probably very quickly find the issue, rather than having to make guesses.
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