Sculpting Question.

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Sculpting Question.

Postby RTXCore » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:46 am

So i watched the video titled: Getting Started with MPFB2 on the Make Human YT Channel.
My question is, after sculpting on my human, the eyes and rig disappears. Do i need to make a rig again for my character after sculpting ??
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Re: Sculpting Question.

Postby joepal » Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:55 am

The basemesh (ie the human body normally) has quite a lot of logic attached to it, for example body morphs (ie the things that happen when you drag a slider under modeling). If you sculpt on this directly, you will likely mess up the logic of the body morphs, causing things such as having the eyes end up in the wrong place.

The rig is fit to the base mesh via key points, mostly "JointCubes". You can see these if select the body, disable the mask modifier hiding the helper geometry and then select the JointCubes vertex group in edit mode. When the shape of the body changes, these points need to be moved to fit the new shape.

Bodyparts and clothes are also fitted to helper geometry. So if you change the shape of the body, you also need to change the helper geometry in order for things to still work.

Now, in order to create a new shape (possibly by sculpting) for a body you have three possible strategies:

1. Disable the logic attached to the base mesh. You can do this by clicking "bake shape keys" and "delete helpers" under "operations" -> "basemesh". This will also prevent you from, for example, equiping more clothes. But at least you will get fewer surprises when sculpting
2. Create a new reusable body morph instead. This is called a "target", and they are created under "create assets" -> "maketarget". This should be done on a basemesh without rig or any attached clothes or body parts. The upside is you can reuse the body morph on multiple characters later on.
3. Sculpt with a reusable normal map as end goal. For this, take a look at

Which strategy you should choose depends a bit on what your goal is.
Joel Palmius (LinkedIn)
MakeHuman Infrastructure Manager
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Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:20 am

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