Meanwhile I made a small new material editor to allow first modifications of materials.
I want to fully support glTF materials because most game engines can read it, but also blender is reading it.
My own mh2b format uses the same settings as blenders glTF loader, but also creates a "look-alike" AOMap in Blender (it is a fake, but should demonstrate the usage of the texture with an effect at least).
For the corsage. vambraces, shield and also boots, there are areas of leather and others of metal, there is also different roughness. Both is done either by values or channeled textures in glTF.
The unchanged result after loading in blender looks like this, this is the eevee version:
And this the cycles one:
The own shader in MakeHuman is of course not yet able to handle all that ... this needs to be done later.
I am pretty sure the skeleton stuff for assets + exporting of weights and skeleton via glTF will be something, that will not be ready before vacation. I guess that will be done in autumn.