Here is my submission. I call it 'Bad Punch Line', or 'Well, *I* thought it was funny.
I used Blender 2.74, Inkscape 0.48, Yafaray 1.1.5, and GIMP 2.8 to create the 3d mesh and the 2d graphics.
The hand signals are American Sign Language. From left to right they are: Angry; Embarassed; Bothered.
I've combined them with facial expressions based on the Paul Ekman system. The expressions from left to right are: Angry; Surprised; Disgusted.
I hope I can refine this picture before the final judging date. At present is the most I can do without feedback.
3rd party textures: eyes from 3DXO; fractal sweater pattern from Apophysis. Both are free for non-commercial use.
My signature: Zinc Chameleon Productions 2015.