This rig/skeleton is the same rig than the default MH rig but bones are renamed in order to make the importation into Animeeple automatic.
Animeeple (0.418) is a free and very easy soft to use to make human animations , camera motion , overlap animations , loops, etc ... make a basic render in video, and/or export the result.
Import/Export : dae , fbx (just import) , bvh (just animations) , xml
Use : export your MH model in T-pose with this rig (fbx is good) , and while import it in Animeeple, just click on "Drop on floor" and "Reset" button to make it fit. Also, you might have to check if all the textures are ok and configure things such opacity, specular .. etc
Animeeple is no longer developped but i put a copy of the latest version (0.4.18) -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- If the model you are working on is already made with the default MH skeleton ; look down in the comments; i copy-pasted the Blender script that will rename automaticaly your bones to make it animeeple-compatible.
CC0 - Creative Commons Zero
If you have any questions for the use of Animeeple, I can try to answer.
import bpy
context = bpy.context
obj = context.object
namelist = [
("root" , "hips") ,
("breast.L" , "leftbreast") ,
("breast.R" , "rightbreast") ,
("spine01" , "torso") ,
("clavicle.L" , "LeftCollar") ,
("shoulder01.L" , "leftshoulder01") ,
("upperarm01.L" , "leftshoulder02") ,
("upperarm02.L" , "LeftUpperarm") ,
("lowerarm01.L" , "LeftLowerarm") ,
("lowerarm02.L" , "leftlowerarm01") ,
("wrist.L" , "LeftHand") ,
("finger1-1.L" , "leftthumbbase") ,
("finger1-2.L" , "leftthumbmiddle") ,
("finger1-3.L" , "leftthumbtip") ,
("metacarpal1.L" , "leftmetacarpal1") ,
("finger2-1.L" , "leftindexfingerbase") ,
("finger2-2.L" , "leftindexfingermiddle") ,
("finger2-3.L" , "leftindexfingertip") ,
("metacarpal2.L" , "leftmetacarpal2") ,
("finger3-1.L" , "leftmiddlefingerbase") ,
("finger3-2.L" , "leftmiddlefingermiddle") ,
("finger3-3.L" , "leftmiddlefingertip") ,
("metacarpal3.L" , "leftmetacarpal3") ,
("finger4-1.L" , "leftringfingerbase") ,
("finger4-2.L" , "leftringfingermiddle") ,
("finger4-3.L" , "leftringfingertip") ,
("metacarpal4.L" , "leftmetacarpal4") ,
("finger5-1.L" , "leftpinkyfingerbase") ,
("finger5-2.L" , "leftpinkyfingermiddle") ,
("finger5-3.L" , "leftpinkyfingertip") ,
("clavicle.R" , "RightCollar") ,
("shoulder01.R" , "rightshoulder01") ,
("upperarm01.R" , "rightshoulder02") ,
("upperarm02.R" , "RightUpperarm") ,
("lowerarm01.R" , "RightLowerarm") ,
("lowerarm02.R" , "rightlowerarm01") ,
("wrist.R" , "RightHand") ,
("finger1-1.R" , "rightthumbbase") ,
("finger1-2.R" , "rightthumbmiddle") ,
("finger1-3.R" , "rightthumbtip") ,
("metacarpal1.R" , "rightmetacarpal1") ,
("finger2-1.R" , "rightindexfingerbase") ,
("finger2-2.R" , "rightindexfingermiddle") ,
("finger2-3.R" , "rightindexfingertip") ,
("metacarpal2.R" , "rightmetacarpal2") ,
("finger3-1.R" , "rightmiddlefingerbase") ,
("finger3-2.R" , "rightmiddlefingermiddle") ,
("finger3-3.R" , "rightmiddlefingertip") ,
("metacarpal3.R" , "rightmetacarpal3") ,
("finger4-1.R" , "rightringfingerbase") ,
("finger4-2.R" , "rightringfingermiddle") ,
("finger4-3.R" , "rightringfingertip") ,
("metacarpal4.R" , "rightmetacarpal4") ,
("finger5-1.R" , "rightpinkyfingerbase") ,
("finger5-2.R" , "rightpinkyfingermiddle") ,
("finger5-3.R" , "rightpinkyfingertip") ,
("neck01" , "neck") ,
("neck02" , "neck01") ,
("neck03" , "neck02") ,
("oris06.L" , "leftoris06") ,
("oris07.L" , "leftoris07") ,
("tongue07.L" , "lefttongue07") ,
("tongue06.L" , "lefttongue06") ,
("tongue05.L" , "lefttongue05") ,
("levator02.L" , "leftlevator02") ,
("levator03.L" , "leftlevator03") ,
("levator04.L" , "leftlevator04") ,
("levator05.L" , "leftlevator05") ,
("levator06.L" , "leftlevator06") ,
("oris04.L" , "leftoris04") ,
("oris03.L" , "leftoris03") ,
("special06.L" , "leftspecial06") ,
("special05.L" , "leftspecial05") ,
("eye.L" , "lefteye") ,
("orbicularis03.L" , "leftorbicularis03") ,
("orbicularis04.L" , "leftorbicularis04") ,
("temporalis01.L" , "lefttemporalis01") ,
("oculi02.L" , "leftoculi02") ,
("oculi01.L" , "leftoculi01") ,
("temporalis02.L" , "lefttemporalis02") ,
("risorius02.L" , "leftrisorius02") ,
("risorius03.L" , "leftrisorius03") ,
("oris06.R" , "rightoris06") ,
("oris07.R" , "rightoris07") ,
("tongue07.R" , "righttongue07") ,
("tongue06.R" , "righttongue06") ,
("tongue05.R" , "righttongue05") ,
("levator02.R" , "rightlevator02") ,
("levator03.R" , "rightlevator03") ,
("levator04.R" , "rightlevator04") ,
("levator05.R" , "rightlevator05") ,
("levator06.R" , "rightlevator06") ,
("oris04.R" , "rightoris04") ,
("oris03.R" , "rightoris03") ,
("special06.R" , "rightspecial06") ,
("special05.R" , "rightspecial05") ,
("eye.R" , "righteye") ,
("orbicularis03.R" , "rightorbicularis03") ,
("orbicularis04.R" , "rightorbicularis04") ,
("temporalis01.R" , "righttemporalis01") ,
("oculi02.R" , "rightoculi02") ,
("oculi01.R" , "rightoculi01") ,
("temporalis02.R" , "righttemporalis02") ,
("risorius02.R" , "rightrisorius02") ,
("risorius03.R" , "rightrisorius03") ,
("pelvis.L" , "leftinnerleg01") ,
("upperleg01.L" , "leftinnerleg02") ,
("upperleg02.L" , "LeftUpperleg") ,
("lowerleg01.L" , "LeftLowerleg") ,
("lowerleg02.L" , "leftlowerleg01") ,
("foot.L" , "LeftFoot") ,
("toe1-1.L" , "leftthumbtoebase") ,
("toe1-2.L" , "leftthumbtoetip") ,
("toe2-1.L" , "leftindextoebase") ,
("toe2-2.L" , "leftindextoemiddle") ,
("toe2-3.L" , "leftindextoetip") ,
("toe3-1.L" , "leftmiddletoebase") ,
("toe3-2.L" , "leftmiddletoemiddle") ,
("toe3-3.L" , "leftmiddletoetip") ,
("toe4-1.L" , "leftringtoebase") ,
("toe4-2.L" , "leftringtoemiddle") ,
("toe4-3.L" , "leftringtoetip") ,
("toe5-1.L" , "leftpinkytoebase") ,
("toe5-2.L" , "leftpinkytoemiddle") ,
("toe5-3.L" , "leftpinkytoetip") ,
("pelvis.R" , "rightinnerleg01") ,
("upperleg01.R" , "rightinnerleg02") ,
("upperleg02.R" , "RightUpperleg") ,
("lowerleg01.R" , "RightLowerleg") ,
("lowerleg02.R" , "rightlowerleg01") ,
("foot.R" , "RightFoot") ,
("toe1-1.R" , "rightthumbtoebase") ,
("toe1-2.R" , "rightthumbtoetip") ,
("toe2-1.R" , "rightindextoebase") ,
("toe2-2.R" , "rightindextoemiddle") ,
("toe2-3.R" , "rightindextoetip") ,
("toe3-1.R" , "rightmiddletoebase") ,
("toe3-2.R" , "rightmiddletoemiddle") ,
("toe3-3.R" , "rightmiddletoetip") ,
("toe4-1.R" , "rightringtoebase") ,
("toe4-2.R" , "rightringtoemiddle") ,
("toe4-3.R" , "rightringtoetip") ,
("toe5-1.R" , "rightpinkytoebase") ,
("toe5-2.R" , "rightpinkytoemiddle") ,
("toe5-3.R" , "rightpinkytoetip")
for name, newname in namelist:
# get the pose bone with name
pb = obj.pose.bones.get(name)
# continue if no bone of that name
if pb is None:
# rename = newname