F Dress 05


Tags: Female, Elegant. This dress is quite hard to get to deform nicely especially the sleeves, Blender's modifier "Surface Deform" and "Corrective Smooth" is good help. The base dress is designed by my friend Bellatrix and wanted to share it with MakeHuman community. I am not satisfied with the normal map skirt folds but lesser real folds make it easier to adjust. In Blender use the Solidify modifier with thickness about 1,5mm, fill rim and only rim to give the fabric some thickness. I use the slot for displacement for the metal mask texture. The preview image is rendered in Blender Cycles and I used proportional edit, sculpt, "Surface Deform" and "Corrective Smooth" modifier to adjust the dress to fit the character and pose. (The fabric looks like it is made of metal but my intention was silk and of some reason appear more pink than intended.) The Blender 2.79 material I use can be downloaded here: http://www.makehumancommunity.org/content/f_dress_05_blender_cycles.html




CC-BY - Creative Commons Attribution





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Great. Now it is possible to place 2 girls with different evening gowns in one picture. This was absolutely necessary, because you know, what will happen when in reality two girls met wearing an identical gown ... ;-) .... 5 stars ... Only one really small problem, when you push the proportion slider to left side, some skin in the back will peek through.


I and Bellatrix are delighted to see your models wearing our outfit.

Thank you!

It always feels good when a garment is finished and ready to give the community. But I'm not sure about the sleeves.

Very well done

It's fit perfectly on my models and it's original. Thank you !