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The MakeHuman License

The MakeHuman license is a split AGPL/CC0 setup.The full text of the license can be found here. There is also a license explanation page.

External Tools Licenses

From time to time the MakeHuman™ Team may release new external tools in various forms. Unless otherwise explicitly stated they are covered by the GNU AGPL 3.

Current tools are:
  • MakeTarget scripts for Blender is distributed under the GNU AGPL 3. The MakeHuman morph target files that it generates are by default is not covered by any license, since they are designed by you. However, if you make a morph target based on another pre-existing morph target (or a combination of pre-existing morph targets) you must fulfill the license terms of the pre-existing morph target.

Note: All targets in the MakeHuman base distribution are licensed AGPL. Also that any target derived from these must also be licensed AGPL unless you get written permission by the author of the target file you derive from.

  • MakeClothes script for Blender is distributed under the GNU AGPL 3. If the user is the original author of the clothes, he is free to choose any license for them.
  • MakeWalk script for Blender is distributed under the GNU GPL 2. The license of output files generated using it is free to determine by the user, except when mocap data was used that enforces a specific license.
  • MakeTarget standalone is distributed under the GNU AGPL 3. The MakeHuman morph target files that it generates are by default not covered by any license, since they are designed by you. However, if you make a morph target based on another pre-existing morph target (or a combination of pre-existing morph targets) you must fulfill the license terms of the pre-existing morph target.

Note: All targets in the MakeHuman base distribution are licensed AGPL. Also that any target derived from these must also be licensed AGPL unless you get written permission by the author of the target file you derive from.

See the GNU Affero General Public License and General Public License for more details

Copyright and primary legal contact

In spring 2016, the copyright of the code files and the assets were consolidated and standardized. Some members of the core dev team explicitly asked to not be assigned any copyright or responsibility for the code. Most of what now constitutes MakeHuman is thus now jointly copyrighted by the other members of the team.

While doing this, copyright was also assigned to Data Collection AB (which is a limited liability company owned by Joel Palmius), and this company was given the responsibility of working as primary legal contact for MakeHuman.