Well for the old OpenGL stuff a new driver will not change much. I just forgot we "compiled" the version with slightly newer OpenGL and pyQT5 drivers, so there could be a difference compared to the version 1.2. I was not able to use the newest one ... python sometimes sucks, when it comes to compatibility from older and newer versions, at least they have a mechanism to find out the newest working combination.
I do not have the problems, but I have to admit, I have a bunch of linux boxes and only a big one with Windows (dual boot + Nvidia) where I check windows when I am ready with programming.
Although Windows has pretty good editors meanwhile for programming, debugging is easier on Linux usually. Windows tries to hide complexity (Apple is even worse) and for a programmer that does not help.
At least python and also Qt5 and openGL are pretty much the same on windows though.
The .exe from the official distribution is partly compiled even after unpacking afaik, so one cannot add additional statements like "a debug print here and there" ... if you install the "old makehuman" from github directly, one can add additional commands. And that would be the only chance to find sth out and it is really no fun for "normal users", since then a shell environment (like DOS cli) and at least some basic text-editor knowledge is the only way to test.
https://github.com/makehumancommunity/makehumanafter cloning/downloading it you need to install it like described and ... of course you need a python environment with python itself an pip installed.
I would add a gl.glGetError() just before the place, where the errors are printed, to see if your OpenGL harmonizes with PyQt5.
Unfortunately the system can only print version and all the stuff, when openGL context is fully initialized and active.
And I learnt from my own experience (also in the new version) that PyQt5 + OpenGL not always works as expected. Reason is, that the framework for the menus (this PyQt5) shares the view with OpenGL and there are many ways to ruin the process.
The next version will of course not improve the situation, when pyside6 (successor of PyQt5) will make the same trouble as Qt5 (or even Qt4) before. The reason Joel went to a blender plugin, then Blender must solve the openGL (or maybe later Vulkan) problems.
I dunno if that helps
Ralf aka black-punkduck (yupp, same meanwhile rarely used forename
