I'm just trying to get to grips with MPFB having used MH on and off for a long time.
I'm on Blender 4.3 and downloaded MPFB2 about a week ago.
I have been following the "Getting Started" YT video and everything is basically fine and I've created several figures satisfactorily, but I do have one significant problem. I've probably got something wrong but I can't for the life of me work out what and I'd like some help please. I did wonder if it might be a bug so I've just upgraded to the latest nightly build but that has made no difference.
My problem is this: Having installed the standard rig and the rig helpers, when I go into Pose mode I see the faint helper circles and if I click the hand and wrist ones they go blue and pressing r allows me to move the hand complete, as it should do, the fingers curl etc. However, all of the other joints on the figure, elbows, knees, etc, have helper circles in all three planes ( not just one ) and clicking on any one plane circle makes all 3 turn blue, pressing r makes the whole set turn as a 'globe' but not the limb they should be attached to.
Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong, please?
EDITED to add that after watching the video again many times and creating new figures a dozen times, I have spotted a discrepancy between the video and my application screen.
In the video, at the point of applying the Rig, the description at the top left of the workspace changes and the word Armature appears, but that doesn't happen for me. I've tried adding an armature manually at each point in the creation but as soon as I do, the Rig Helper menu disappears. I suspect that the lack of the armature to anchor the rig is why it doesn't behave as it should, but i don't know why it isn't appearing automatically as the video suggests that it should and i can't find a setting to add it?