MakeKidlet possible??

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Moderator: joepal

MakeKidlet possible??

Postby robertltux » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:37 pm

One thing that ive noticed is that is is impossible to get a model that looks good below a certain "age" (like 12 or so)
would it be possible to sort out doing a smaller/younger base mesh (maybe to cover from age 3-11)?

of course certain mesh options would have to be locked out but this could make MakeHuman a "standard" tool for Secondlife Mesh Avatars (once somebody gets thier hands on the TOP SECRET BURN BEFORE READING documents as to how to do the job).

Re: MakeKidlet possible??

Postby Manuel » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:12 pm

Yes, it's possible, but it require a big amount of modelling work, that we can't bear at the moment, due the lack of modelers.


Re: MakeKidlet possible??

Postby robertltux » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:31 pm

basically it would require the whole model (base plus morphs) to be rebuilt correct??

could you put as an item the needed code to be able to switch "sets" on a "while we are redoing that code anyway.." basis??

Not a modeler and not a coder so im just throwing the idea into the pot.

Re: MakeKidlet possible??

Postby Manuel » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:49 pm

Eduardo, a new skilled member of Mh crew, is working on an interesting feature, that will be most likely included in the alpha 7:
it will be possible to make a custom target, to place it in the "custom" folder, and automagically see a new slider in MH.
This can be used to add special characters (but it's not guaranteed that all standard tools will work correctly on it).



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