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Muscle System

PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:58 pm
by alias_ludi

I've been following MakeHuman for a long time but as this is my first post I want to thank and congratulate everyone, who has been working on this great program.

Now to the actual reason of my post, a suggestion.
Do you know of this : ...

muscle system for blender?

May be it could be incorporated in one of the export rigs?

Re: Muscle System

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:31 pm
by duststorm
I know of similar systems, but I did not know this particular one.
It's possible to experiment with this, but my experience with these muscle simulations is that they still need a lot of tweaking before they look realistic on an actual human model. It's even harder to export a muscle system that looks realistic for any particular human you have modeled.

Which does not mean it's not possible, I'm certain it is, it just has not been that high on the agenda to invest the time in at this time.
We are working on getting realistic results using more traditional rigging techniques. This has the advantage that we can deliver results more quickly, and that the exported results will be compatible with more tools and engines. The muscle technique shown in the video will work with Blender only, and making it portable will probably be tricky.

But if someone want to attempt to pull off muscle simulation in blender, or another tool, off with mh meshes, we're definitely interested!