Add more hairs and more textures for hairs.

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Re: Add more hairs and more textures for hairs.

Postby Ricardo2020 » Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:28 pm

I an trying to learn how particles work in Blender. I watched a video on youtube about making hair from scratch using the particle system and it is very complicated and tedious but not impossible to learn with some practice.

The reason I am doing this is to get high resolution/poly hair that obeys the laws of physics when it moves in animations or when it is posed for a still shot. So far, I have not attempted to do this stuff yet because I need to watch more folks do it enough times for it to sink in.

Hair is a big deal in Blender because the assets in the Community are all mostly low poly clay strip items. A head of hair has thousands of strands, and, although it would not be practical to do an asset with those thousands of strands, one could get a "hinted" item where there are enough hairs to appear to the eye as many more than what can be seen in an average render.

I am certain there are people on this forum who already have this knowledge and know how to put it to use, but I am also aware of the actual hard work involved in making realistic hair. Thus, I am not going to demand making styles simply because they are what I want. I can toss some ideas out there and suggest they be made, but I am patient enough to wait and see what gets done.

In the mean time, I am reading the manual, watching videos, prowling forums, and trying things out in a slow and deliberate manner to get to that point where I can make hair styles that look real when rendered. Once I achieve that goal, I will put my work up here for all to freely use. It won't be tomorrow or even next week. It could even be months until I get there, but I will make it eventually....

Until then, if anybody in here feels the urge to get these items in the library, I would love to see those here.

I am thanking all in advance.
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