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Hint for clothes makers: Use the "delete" vertex group

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:46 pm
by joepal
A little-known feature of MakeClothes is that you can tell MakeHuman to hide surfaces which are located beneath the clothing. This prevents the poke-through glitch you can see when using other character deforms than what you modeled on.

All that's needed is that you select (on the human, not on the clothes) all vertices that are completely hidden by your clothes, and assign them to the "delete" vertex group before you make your makeclothes export.

Example with making a gown. Most of the torso will never be visible when using this.

So we select the base mesh and assign the vertices that should be hidden to the "delete" vertex group.

It's usually best to be conservative when selecting what vertices to hide, so that you don't see a hole in the body from some extreme angles.

Re: Hint for clothes makers: Use the "delete" vertex group

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:18 am
by duststorm
Something for the wiki? :)