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Textured Eyebrows. :P

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:12 am
by Valvados
Rendered it before I textured the other side for comparison purposes.

Took me awhile finally got a result good enough to abandon working on it, Wont look bad at all during gameplay although cut-scenes I may eventually get tired of it, but by then I think I will buy the $40 character creator for Unity.

I drew the eyebrows with 1 pixel hard paint brush in gimp solid black using a mouse, then scaled them down by about 1000% to get the result that I liked, tried 3 other methods didn't like the result.

This is only going to work if your forehead is similar shape / size as mine. But you can use this method to make them in gimp

Prefer texture eyebrows for games.

Here's the texture, removed the nipples as well for Teen rated games.