Hair, eyes, nails, teeth and other body extensions

These are user contributed body extensions (such as hair, teeth and similar) for MakeHuman. Note that they are not created, nor endorsed, by the MakeHuman crew. You use them at your own risk. Body extensions use the same format as clothes, and is created in the same way as clothes. If you wish more information on clothes (including on how to create them), take a look in the wiki (particularly the FAQ on how to install clothes). New users may be interested in the MakeClothes tutorial by VscorpianC.

In order to comment contributions or upload new items you need to be logged in. You can log in using your forum username and password. If you do not have a forum account, go here and click "register".

If you rather browse by thumbnail, there is also a thumbnail gallery.

Click here if you want to upload new clothes

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Title Status Category Author Last changedsort ascending
SR Anime Female Eyelashes 01 OK Eyelashes spamrakuen 2023-09-25
Neutral eyelashes OK Eyelashes spamrakuen 2023-07-05
Mind Eyelashes 05 OK Eyelashes Mindfront 2019-09-15
Mind Eyelashes 04 OK Eyelashes Mindfront 2019-09-15
Mind Eyelashes 03 OK Eyelashes Mindfront 2019-09-15
Mind Eyelashes 02 OK Eyelashes Mindfront 2019-09-15
Mind Eyelashes 01 OK Eyelashes Mindfront 2019-09-15